Category: Recording

  • Portable Audio Recorders: Buyer’s Guide

    Portable Audio Recorders: Buyer’s Guide

    If you are one of those considering how to capture high-quality live audio, you might consider buying a portable recorder. However, because there are so many models available it’s not easy to choose. There are very well-known companies which are specialized in making these devices for recording music and speech. We have singled out some of…

  • Live Sound Mastery: Recording Audio Directly from a Mixer

    Live Sound Mastery: Recording Audio Directly from a Mixer

    If you are thinking and wondering how to record your live music performance, you should consider buying some equipment for that task. It’s true that you can record live audio with a built-in microphone in a laptop, a smartphone or a handy recorder. However, if you want to achieve a better sound you will need…

  • Recording Church Service Audio – Equipment needed

    Recording Church Service Audio – Equipment needed

    Many churches have been making recordings of sermons, live events, and worship services for a long time. Back in the day, you may have recorded onto cassette tape or onto CD, to be made available to people who perhaps aren’t able to get out to church. Now in the age of digital audio, a whole…

Church Sound Tips