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  • How to build a church tech team

    How to build a church tech team

    1)Seek support of church leadership Before you begin, the most important thing is that you have the support of the church leadership. It maybe seems obvious, but it can be easy to get carried away with a great idea and you want to start asap, but if you don’t have the church elders or deacons…

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  • 9 Church Sound Booth Ideas, Designs and Layouts (with pictures)

    9 Church Sound Booth Ideas, Designs and Layouts (with pictures)

    Here are 9  layout ideas for your church sound booth. I have included a mixture of different tech booths designs for various sizes of church building and setting from small to big churches. This blogpost will hopefully be a help if you are wondering how to build a soundbooth or just looking for tech booth…

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  • How to do a church sound check + free checklist PDF download

    How to do a church sound check + free checklist PDF download

    Many churches have a rota of church sound techs who take turns doing the sound desk on Sunday mornings. It’s great having a small team of enthusiasts to do your live sound, but you will have some guys who have a prep process they follow each Sunday and other who just switch stuff on pretty haphazardly…

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  • 25 Things You Need to Build a Church PA System From Scratch

    I thought it might be helpful for readers to have a guide that includes pretty much all the things you would need to build a church sound system from scratch for a small to medium size sanctuary(from 100-500 capacity). Now this guide is assuming the need to provide for a full worship band setup or…

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  • 8 Reasons To Consider A Church Sound Upgrade

    8 Reasons To Consider A Church Sound Upgrade

    If you are part of your church tech team or even a pastor with no other staff, and you know that your sound system is in bad need of upgrading, it can be a difficult task to persuade your leadership team to spend the cash on a new church sound system installation. Here are 8…

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  • Recording Church Service Audio – Equipment needed

    Recording Church Service Audio – Equipment needed

    Many churches have been making recordings of sermons, live events, and worship services for a long time. Back in the day, you may have recorded onto cassette tape or onto CD, to be made available to people who perhaps aren’t able to get out to church. Now in the age of digital audio, a whole…

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  • How to EQ and Tune a PA Sound System Using an iPad App

    How to EQ and Tune a PA Sound System Using an iPad App

    If you want to tune a PA system properly, you are going to either have to call in a professional to do it or buy some expensive equipment. But I am going to show you how to do it adequately on the cheap using an iPad as a spectrum analyzer and a mobile phone to produce…

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  • Church speaker placement guide – where to place them in the room

    Deciding the ideal loudspeaker positions is one of the most important things to consider when designing a sound system for a church. Now I am assuming as you are visiting this site, you may not be a qualified audio technician and are planning to do a sound installation on your own. I perfectly understand as…

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Church Sound Tips